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Truck Weighbridge or Truck Scale On-Site Calibration Testing Methods

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Truck Weighbridge or Truck Scale On-Site Calibration Testing Methods

1. Zero Calibration Test

Empty weighbridge platform is tared and calibrated to Zero.

2. Range Test

It is very important to calibrate the weighbridge with maximum known weight.

General thumb rule to calibrate any weighbridge system is with 10% of its total capacity. For example, a 100 tonnes weighbridge may be calibrated with 10 tonnes reference standard test weights.

3. Repeatability Test

To ensure the repeatability of the weighbridge system by ensuring that the same weight is displayed at all times when applying a given calibrated load in any direction.

4. Load cell Eccentricity Test

All load cells in a weighbridge may produce unequal output which gives corner error and result weight error on every weighment.

General thumb rule for eccentricity test is to test each load cell with the load of total weighbridge capacity / number of Load Cells. For example, a weighbridge with a capacity of 60 tonnes with 6 load cells may be tested each load cell with 10 tonnes weights.

5. Linearity Test

To test the entire weighbridge capacity with reference standard test weights along with dummy loads.



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